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Wide World of Charts

September 7, 2011

John Roque: $SPX - "There's a chance the market tests 950" (CNBC)

Chris Verrone, Technician at Strategas Research Interviewed by Tom Keene at Bloomberg (iStockAnalyst)

Fewer Short Sellers Seen as a Troubling Sign (FP Investing)

Stock Market Remains in Very Bearish Mode $DJIA $SPY $EURUSD $SH (PeterLBrandt)

Misery Index - Misery Loves Company (PragmaticCapitalism)

Is the Bottom in for the Dollar $DX_F $UUP (Bespoke)

August Unemployment Shows No Job Recovery (EconomPicData)

Stay Away From Trash $CFSG $CSR $MA $V (chessNwine)

Be Very Scared About the Move Lower in German Stocks $DAX (DragonflyCapital)

August ETF Winners & Losers $VIXY $VIXM (StockTradersAlmanac)

Home Prices - USA vs Canada 2000-2011 (CarpeDiem)


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