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Wide World of Charts

July 31, 2011

Scott Redler: Will This Head and Shoulders Pattern Be Different? (Minyanville)

Update on the Major Top in US Stocks (PeterLBrandt)

Nasdaq Stocks Show Troubling Drawdowns (PragmaticCapitalism)

Coffee Anyone? When to Buy $GMCR and $JVA (SlopeOfHope)

Comparing Major World Indexes Since March 9, 2009 and January 2000 (dshort)

Greg Harmon's Macro Week in Review/Preview July 30, 2011 (DragonflyCapital)

StockTwits 50, July 30 (Ivanhoff)

Observation: 3 Consecutive Red Monthly Closes on S&P500 (chessNwine)

Monsanto ($MON) is Ready for Higher Prices (Gtotoy)

US GDP vs US Tax Receipts vs US Spending 1990-2010 (PointsandFigures)

$AAPL Made Twice as Much Profit on Phones as Everyone Else Combined (BusinessInsider)


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