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Wide World of Charts

June 25, 2011

Facebook's Unbelievable Effect on the Rest of the Web (BI Silicon Alley Insider)

Market Turns Lower despite EU-Greece Deal in Place (T3Live)

Gold Bears are Tasty (SlopeOfHope)

S+P, Down 87% of the Time (PointsAndFigures)

Short Commodity ETFs (PeterBrandt)

Durable Goods Orders, Seasonally Adjusted Per Captia and Real Per Capita (dshort)

Stock Market Video Analysis with Brian Shannon (Alphatrends)

Global 10-year to 2-year Sovereign Bond Spreads (PragCap)

The Trend Trend Trade (SMB Capital)

10-Year Note Yields at 2.87% (WSJ)

Quantitative Easing: Rate Recap and Timeline (TheBasisPoint)

Sports Chart - NBA Still believes in the International Player (Business Insider)

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