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Nominal House Prices

April 14, 2011

There is an old saying amongst technicians that goes:

"Bottom Fishing Can be Very Hazardous to your Wealth"

This is a theme we will always talk about on Allstarcharts. I think we need to keep this in mind regardless of what asset class we're looking at. Calculated Risk does a great job of putting together several of the housing price indexes all in one chart. It looks to me like House Prices are still falling off a cliff.

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The chart shows the quarterly Case-Shiller National Index (through Q4 2010), the monthly Case-Shiller Composite 20 (through January release) and CoreLogic House Price Indexes (through February release) in nominal terms (as reported).

You can read the rest of the article at Calculated Risk:


See also:

Case Shiller 100 year chart recently updated at the BigPicture

Never own a home again by James Altucher

10 reasons why real estate won't recover for years at Seeking Alpha

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