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Less Supply of Chevron

January 27, 2023

We like to keep things simple around here.

When there is less supply of something, and more demand for it, the price goes up.

That's how markets work.

So first it was Warren Buffett aggressively buying shares of Chevron. He now owns over $30 Billion worth.

This has been a very very good trade for us.

Warren Buffett was the smart money. And we listened.

Now this week, you can argue that the even smarter money, the company itself, announced a $75 Billion Buyback.

In other words, with all the money that Chevron is making these days, they believe the best thing they can do with all that cash is to buy their own stock.

And so $CVX is now making new all-time highs, again:

All Star Charts Premium

The Short Report (01-25-2023)

January 25, 2023

From the Desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

When investing in the stock market, we always want to approach it as "a market of stocks."

Regardless of the environment, there are always stocks showing leadership and trending higher.

We may have to look harder to identify them depending on current market conditions. But there are always stocks that are going up.

The same can be said for weak stocks. Regardless of the environment, there are always stocks that are going down, too. 

We already have multiple scans focusing on stocks making all-time highs, such as The Hall of Famers, The Minor Leaguers, and The 2 to 100 Club.

We filter these universes for stocks with the best momentum and relative strength characteristics. 

Clearly, we spend a lot of time identifying and writing about leading stocks every week via multiple reports.

Now, we're also highlighting lagging stocks on a recurring basis.

Welcome to the Short Report.

Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (01-24-2023)

January 24, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

There was a major glitch at the New York Stock Exchange today, and it really did a number on the opening of the market.

Prices were all over the place, and names were halted.

Three of my positions below went to my target. But due to the glitch they won't get filled today, which they really should.

It was a day to step aside.

The Bullish Trifecta

January 24, 2023

With stocks off to a very strong start to the year, we're certainly setting ourselves up for a positive January.

There is still about a week left, but the S&P500 is already up 4.7% so far this month.

Historically, if we finish up, and it looks like the chances of that are high, then it bodes very well for stocks throughout the rest of the year.