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All Star Charts Premium

Weekly Preview (07-27-2020)

July 28, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Every week we publish performance tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with commentary on each.

Looking at the past helps put the future into context. In this post, we review the relative strength trends at play and give our outlook and some of the things we're watching for in the week ahead.

This week we're going to highlight our International ETF and Global Index tables, and focus on some of the rotation we're seeing into more offensive assets across the board. Let's dive into it.

Emerging Markets $EEM, particularly Latin America $ILF, continue to rebound strong. These two indexes were this week's leaders on our International ETF list but notice that they are also the top performers over the trailing one and three month periods.

All Star Charts Premium

Under The Hood (07-24-2020)

July 24, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza.

Welcome to this week's edition of "Under The Hood." You can read more about the column here.

What we do is analyze the most popular Robinhood stocks over the trailing week and find opportunities to either join in and ride these momentum names higher, or fade the crowd and bet against them.

This week we have a handful of trade ideas on the long side, many of which belong to the Health Care space and are working on Covid-19 vaccines.

We'll also walk through a number of mega-cap bellwethers and get a feel for what's going on in that space.

The stock market has been going crazy again this week, and maybe it's beginning to rub off on me... We usually only share about 10 charts in this post, but there is just too much going on in these names so I went a little crazy myself in looking through the charts for this week's post. We ended up with 14. Let's dive into it!

Here is this week's list of most popular stocks, measured by net increases in Robinhood accounts that hold shares.

All Star Charts Premium

Buying These Canadian Stocks

July 20, 2020

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Last time we wrote about Canada, our primary focus was on the breakouts occurring in many of the Gold Miners.

This time, we're looking for stocks displaying long-term trends of absolute momentum and relative strength...and we're buying them.

Let's get into the charts.

Here's Canadian national Railway going out at all-time highs last week. From a structural perspective, this signals the continuation of the stock's long-term uptrend and indicates a target up towards 160. If you want to keep your risk management tight, then 128 is the level, but if you want to give it more room then this thesis remains intact if prices are above 120.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

All Star Charts Premium

No Puns...Just Marijuana Stocks We're Buying

July 18, 2020

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

We haven't taken a look at the Marijuana sector in a while, so today I'm going to review where the sector stands on an absolute and relative basis...and which stocks we're buying (if any).

Normally I'd have a pun or two here, but I've decided to take the high road and focus solely on the charts this time.

First, let's start at the index level with the Alternative Harvest ETF (MJ). prices gapped below our price objective at 12.60 earlier in the year, consolidated for two months, and then gapped back above it...forming an "island reversal" bottom on the weekly chart.

Click on chart to enlarge view.

Since then, prices have successfully retested support multiple times, so it would appear the bias is higher towards 22 as long as we're above 12.60.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Details For July 2020 Conference Call

July 18, 2020

These are the registration details for the live monthly conference call for Premium Members of All Star Charts.

This month’s Conference Call will be held on Monday July 20th at 7PM ET has been changed to Tuesday July 21 at 7PM ET. As always, if you cannot make the call live, the video and slides will be archived and published here along with every other live call since 2015.

Here are the details for Tuesday:

All Star Charts Premium

Under The Hood (07-17-2020)

July 17, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza.

Welcome to our latest edition of "Under The Hood." Read more about it here.

In this column, we analyze the most popular Robinhood stocks over the trailing week and find opportunities to either join in and ride these momentum names higher, or fade the crowd and bet against them.

This week we have a handful of trade ideas on the long side in a number of names that continue to exhibit impressive relative strength.

Let's dive into it. Here is this week's list of most popular stocks, measured by net increases in Robinhood accounts that hold shares.

Click table to enlarge view.

All Star Charts Premium

Last Week In Review (07-10-2020)

July 14, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

For the week ended Friday, July 10, 2020:

Every week we publish performance tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with commentary on each.

This week we're going to highlight our US Index and Sector ETF tables, and focus on the laggards as they are giving us the most important information for the current market environment. Let's dive into it.

No surprises here... The Nasdaq $QQQ outperformed aggressively once again last week, booking a +4.7% gain while Mid, Small, and Micro-Caps were all lower. The Nasdaq is the only US Index that is higher over the trailing month.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Q3 2020 Playbook

July 12, 2020

This is our ASC Research Q3 Playbook.

The first section dives deep into the US Stock Market, and the second half covers International Stock Markets and FICC (Fixed Income, Commodities & Currencies).

You can skip right to the trade ideas here if you'd like, or give the full report a read!

[Premium] Scale Up or Scale Out?

July 9, 2020

Yesterday's post on "Pulling The Weeds" from our portfolios got some great feedback, so thank you for that.

It also prompted a question about whether we should be adding Equity exposure as the indexes go higher or if we should be lightening up and trying to add back on weakness.

This is a very personal question that'll look different for everyone in practice. In this post, I want to provide a framework to use when thinking about this so you can identify what's most appropriate for your portfolio.

Remember, our job as Market Technicians is to ask the right questions and then allow the market to tell us the answer.

All Star Charts Premium

Last Week In Review (07-02-2020)

July 6, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

For the week ended Thursday, July 2, 2020:

Every week we publish performance tables for a variety of different asset classes and categories along with commentary on each.

Being Independence Day weekend, we're going to highlight the continued structural outperformance from the US vs rest of the world in this week's post. As a good patriot and technician, I would be remiss not to take this opportunity to reflect on how grateful US investors should be.

Here are our US Index ETF and Global Index tables.

All Star Charts Premium

Under The Hood (07-02-2020)

July 2, 2020

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza.

This is the third edition of our new "Under The Hood" column. Read more about it here.

We are already getting positive feedback on this new strategy from "Mr. Market" as both of our trade ideas from last week's post are now in the top 5 of this week's most popular stocks (measured by the net increase in ownership, week-over-week).

In other words, Robinhood investors have been buying these names hand-over-fist since we wrote about them last week. They've been rewarded for it too as they've both performed very well.

Workhorse $WKHS has really lived up to its name as it hit our price target in a matter of days, and then went on to double again from there. The stock is up about 4-fold since it broke above our risk level near 5 early last week.

Here is a look at the updated chart, with the same exact annotations from last week's post.

Click chart to enlarge view.