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All Star Options

[Options Premium] Next Up On The Firing Line

October 19, 2018

So far, this new corrective phase in U.S. stocks is playing out according to script: Deep down moves, interrupted by gravity-defying bounces that suddenly get saddled with lead weights which drag stocks back down with the fishes. Sorry for the horrible Godfather-inspired mixed metaphor.

In this type of environment, we want to be patient with our risk-defined positions when they go against us, yet aggressive when they go our way. This one simple mindshift will be what separates the winners in a bear market from the pretenders.

We laid out our first list of stocks we want to be short in a correction back on October 12. So far, this list is treating us well. The next name that we're ready to tackle is Cisco $CSCO.



Options Affords Us Maximum Flexibility in Rapidly Changing Markets

October 17, 2018

Notice anything different the last couple weeks?

Unless you've been on an African safari during the entire month of October, you've probably noticed the dramatic shift in market tone. What has been working for the majority of the year has stopped working. The low-volatility, bullish setups playbook has been rendered ineffective in just a couple short weeks. As many of us were recently reminded, and many of you might be learning now for the first time, when market regimes change -- the process is usually swift, messy, and confusing.

If you're a long-only swing trader in this market environment, good luck. You're probably in for a wild ride.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] The Bounce Reveals the Weakest Names to Short

October 17, 2018

The biggest rallies happen in corrective or bear markets. They are nice, but often temporary. Stay nimble, my Trader friends.

— Sean McLaughlin 📈 (@chicagosean) October 16, 2018

I posted this on twitter today as the latest round of dip buyers were tripping all over themselves to buy up any and all perceived bargains being offered by Mr. Market. While the cumulative bounce for the past three trading days has been impressive, I've traded through too many corrections and bear markets to be tricked this easily into thinking the storm has fully passed.

Instead, I'm welcoming bounces like this because it more easily reveals the weakest names that are struggling to rebound. The stocks that haven't bounced or are struggling in relative terms to rise with their brethren, these are the names we want to press into on the short side. They are the ones likely to lead the carnage on the next leg down.

Next up on our target list: Intel $INTC.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] New Season, New Strategy

October 14, 2018

Where I live in Colorado, we received our first snowfall of the season. And it meant business. Today, we woke up to 8 inches of overnight snow and it kept falling all morning. Yesterday, it was nearly 70 degrees and sunny. It's the time of the year when seasons change quickly around here. Not unlike the markets this week.

My wife and I have both been more mindful of our diet this year, and our four year old son is growing like a beanstalk. And as the season is changing rapidly, we find ourselves scrambling through our closets looking to locate last winter's clothes, only to find most of them don't fit any of us. So, comically, we find ourselves a little ill prepared for the new winter.

This all feels very fitting as the markets most definitely and rapidly changed seasons this week. And we were still wearing a lot of last season's positions. As you can imagine, that left us pretty uncomfortable.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Protection Starts With a Plan

October 12, 2018

What a week, eh?

Long trades getting blown up all over the place. Luckily for us, we'd had a good run coming into last week with opportunities to take profits in a lot of our positions. That makes the exits and adjustments that have been forced upon us the last few days a bit more palatable. In both cases, the profits and losses were taken according to our plans as laid out when we entered into the trades in the first place. Weeks like this are a good reminder of why we put trade plans together up front to begin with. When markets start getting wacky, the last thing we want to be doing is scrambling in the wind, trying to keep our heads about us as we're struggling to assemble puzzle pieces on a board that won't stay still.

The good news is, rising volatility will likely offer us some good higher probability income trades in the coming days and weeks to hopefully more than make up for this week's reality check.

A New Options Opportunity in an Old Favorite

October 9, 2018

CSX has been good to us.

We've been bullish $CSX all year. And we had a successful options play this summer that recently came to a profitable conclusion. JC calls CSX "a beast!" I can't argue with that.

And low and behold, even as the overall market has hit a little bump in the road over the past week, $CSX just continues riding the rails, appearing to be in the final stages of completing a nice and tidy two-month base with eyes on a $91 price target and above.

With earnings on deck, the chairs are aligned for an opportunistic play to put elevated options volatility to work for us.

Managing Options Positions Near Expiration

October 3, 2018

From time to time I like to review some of my Best Practices for my own benefit, but also for the benefit of readers of this blog, and for subscribers to All Star Options. So let's get right to it...

This past Friday marked an important monthly date in the regular cycle of options expirations. Friday marked the line in the sand where we crossed under 21 days until October expiration.

Why is 21 days until expiration important?

In short: because of theta and gamma.

For long premium positions, theta decay starts to become a major drag, and increasingly so with each passing day. For short premium positions, gamma has the potential to produce wild swings in your position equity. Neither of these scenarios are very appealing for obvious reasons.

Lets breakdown the risks and actions to take for a variety of common strategies.

Calendar Spreads Offer Three Ways to Win in this Current Environment

September 25, 2018

Sticking with a theme we’ve been discussing with All Star Options subscribers for the past month or so, we expect to continue keeping things simple around here until the market tells us it’s time to change.

One way we’ve been keeping things simple is to be buyers of straight long call options. It’s still a bull market in spite of what gets shouted to you on TV, and volatilities continue to be low — pricing options relatively cheaply. So as long as the volatility in any individual name is still cheap, we’re always going to be looking at long slightly out-of-the-money call options to participate in bullish plays while affordably limiting our risk.

One variant of this play that also holds a lot of interest for me — especially in higher priced names where I might wish to limit my risk a little bit more — is the long call calendar spread which consists of a short call in a near month combined with a long call at the same strike in a further out month for a net debit. It gives us three ways to win!

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Details For October 2018 Conference Call

September 24, 2018

This is the monthly conference call for Members of All Star Options. In this call we will discuss the current market environment and focus on price and volatility behavior. Throughout the session, J.C. Parets will add commentary on the technical outlook moving forward, and Sean McLaughlin will discuss the options strategies available to profit from the market activity.

This month’s Conference Call will be held on Tuesday October 2nd at 7PM ET. Here are the details for the call:

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Hit 'em Low, Ride 'em High.

September 17, 2018

Continuing with a theme I discussed coming out of Labor Day Weekend, volatilities continue to remain low across major stock indices, within the majority of sectors, and by extension many key stocks. Until that changes, there's no need to deviate from my current plan of keeping things simple. When bullish opportunities present themselves, it is pretty simple -- I want to be long calls. There's no need to overthink things here.

Not surprising, there is a stock on our radar that it is breaking out to all-time highs with options pricing in volatility near the lowest levels seen in the past year. A perfect candidate for straight naked calls.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] Manufacturing Portfolio Wellness With Pfizer

September 13, 2018

If you've been paying attention, we've been bullish and long Nike $NKE for a little while now. Here's our trade from July 2 where we got long calls (still holding), and here's our more recent trade where we are fading the hysteria and elevated vol from September 11th. Well, sometimes we're a sucker for what works and often go back to the well. With that in mind, we've identified some similar action in Pfizer $PFE that has us interested and is pretty compelling.