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Louis' Look: The Superpower of Simplicity

December 10, 2020

From the desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

It's always hard for us market nerds to level with others who don't share our obsession for Finance.

And that's important because, with all the noise of today, I think there's a very real barrier to finding sound information. While I'm by no means an authority on this subject (in fact quite the opposite), whenever I talk to people about Finance, I always hear two complaints.

That it's boring and too complicated.

So get this.

I was getting my haircut and talking to the barber about the market.

Socially awkward Louis, not picking up any social queues, continued to ramble on and on, right until he stopped me and said, "bro, if you just tell me what's happening out there, I'll give you free haircuts from now on."

All I have to do is yarn about the market and get a free haircut. Win, win, right? So I guess that technically makes him my first client paying for my research (but I digress...).

It was odd that someone with no prior interest in this stuff was suddenly so curious about what I had to say.

It made me wonder whether financial analysts have overcomplicated the subject so much to the point where people not involved in the industry are scared away.

With so much free information and commentary, exacerbated in large part by the digital revolution, I'm certain that having the ability to walk people through your head in an easy and enjoyable way is the most significant competitive advantage you could have.

I mentioned a similar idea in my first post on Allstarcharts:

 I learned more in the new Charting School from JC’s excitement alone than an entire semester of university listening to monotone lecturers.

Passion matters.

For a mechanism with so many moving parts and psychological tricks, it's incredible people can connect all the dots. I once thought it was easy, but trading with real money kicked that idea out of me pretty quick...

Financial information is becoming more democratized as time goes on. I think with all this accessible data, people are more thirsty than ever for a voice to simplify - not complicate - the trends out there.

That's why from all of this I'm growing a whole new appreciation for people who condense all this chaos into grounded information with the added benefit of being enjoyable.

I'm certain it's a superpower.

Do you agree?

Feel free to get in touch to let me know your thoughts and any lessons you learned in the last week too!


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