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My Chart Summit 2018 Presentation About Process

January 29, 2018

This weekend I hosted the 2nd annual Chart Summit, a virtual technical analysis conference that is free for everyone and anyone to attend. It all started a year ago when I got a bunch of really smart friends together on a Saturday to share their process with the world and their thoughts on the current market environment. It was such a success that we may have accidentally created the greatest Technical Analysis Conference of all time, and it was FREE. You can still watch the videos of those presentations on the original Chart Summit 2017 page.

Our presenters this year didn't skip a beat. They took it right from where we left off last year and killed it in Chart Summit 2018. I know I personally learned a lot, and based on the emails and comments that seems like a pretty universal feeling among the audience. We had fun and we got different perspectives about market behavior from a variety of approaches. That's what it was about. I was blown away by some of the presentations. It was awesome!

I didn't know how much time I would have for some of my own charts because I figured some presenters would go over or we would have some technical difficulties at some point, both neither of those things happened. We were right on schedule the entire time. I don't think I've ever seen that happen at a conference in my life. So I was able to give 2 presentations in the afternoon - one was about my process and how I use tools like momentum, fibonacci, trend recognition and risk management techniques. The second presentation at the end of the day was about the current market environment. I applied all of the tools explained in the first video to today's market.

Here is the full video of my first presentation where I go over my entire top/down approach:

The rest of the videos from this weekend's Chart Summit presentations will be available shortly. Make sure you've signed up below to receive them as soon as they are available!

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