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The Principle of Polarity: Supply & Demand 101

March 31, 2016

Polarity is where it all begins, guys. This is supply and demand 101. We talk about momentum and we talk about trends. We use words like Fibonacci, Divergence and Moving Average. This is all fine and dandy, but all of these are only a supplement to actual price analysis. Price is the only thing that pays. So price, by definition, is the most important technical indicator that exists.

Today we are going to discuss the Principle of Polarity. In order to do so, we first need to define support and resistance:

Radio Appearance: Upside Targets Hit For Stocks. Now What?

March 30, 2016

This morning I was on the Benzinga pre-market radio show, where I am invited to come on as a guest every other week. So basically twice a month a rap with the boys about the direction of the Stock Market, both U.S. and globally, Interest Rates & Bonds, and more recently the agricultural commodities.

Here is this mornings radio hit in full. Enjoy:

I come on at the 57:30 minute mark:

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Everything You Need To Know About The US Stock Indexes: S&P500, DJIA, Nasdaq100, Russell2000, Mid-cap400

March 29, 2016

We've been pretty neutral the majority of the U.S. Stock Market indexes over the past couple of weeks since they first starting hitting our upside targets. Some of them, like the Nasdaq100 and Mid-cap400 had yet to reach out upside objectives, but we are approaching those now. I will argue, though, that the developments we've seen are constructive, both in price behavior and in the breadth itself.

Here is what I think we need to keep in mind with each of the major Indexes. We're using only bar charts today in order to put extra emphasis on price for this particular exercise:

Why It's Time To Buy The Brazilian Real

March 29, 2016

From the desk of Thomas Bruni @BruniCharting


From late January until today, there have been tactical breakouts in currencies of countries with significant commodity exposure relative to the US Dollar. This has provided a tailwind to a number of emerging market equities that have subsequently followed through to the upside. Many of these equity markets are concentrated in Latin America, but areas like South Africa, Africa, Australia, and Turkey have benefited as well.

Whether or not these tactical moves will continue and develop into long-term trends is entirely unknown, but the risk/reward in the US Dollar/Brazilian Real looks particularly skewed in favor of the bears here.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] A Follow Up On My Favorite US Stock Market Short

March 28, 2016

Over the past few days I've received a number of requests from members asking me to post a the updated charts on my favorite U.S .Stock Market short right now. In last week's letter I mentioned how Utilities were not a place we wanted to be long and there were a few ways to take advantage of the individual components of the sector.

Today I want to dive into those individual charts:

Everything You Need To Know About Soybeans: Oil, Meal & Money

March 28, 2016

From the desk of Thomas Bruni @BruniCharting


Over the past few weeks there have been some interesting developments in Agriculture commodities, and Soybean Oil is no exception.

Before we get into the price action, I think it's worth noting that we're in the middle of a seasonally strong period for Soybeans, while hedger positioning and public sentiment are coming off multi-year extremes. These should both continue to provide a tailwind for prices of Soybean related markets in the weeks and months ahead.

Not All Charts Are Actionable But They're All Useful

March 28, 2016

From the desk of Thomas Bruni @BruniCharting


I look at a few hundred charts per day across multiple timeframes, and thousands each weekend, but I very rarely find an idea that's actionable at that particular moment. This begs the question of why I look at so many charts if they rarely lead to actually putting on a trade, to which the answer brings us to the title of this post.

When utilizing a top-down approach to technical analysis, every liquid global asset class provides some type of information that's useful, even if you don't trade that asset class directly. Instead, each new piece of data adds to the pool of information that we as market participants use to make decisions. When the weight of evidence suggests a more probable outcome, that is when it's appropriate to put on a trade that expresses that theme or thesis in the most capital-efficient way possible.

The Process

March 23, 2016

For long time readers of All Star Charts, you guys pretty much know my deal. I put in more work that most people and I include markets in my studies that the majority of investors choose to ignore. In order to take a weight-of-the-evidence approach to the market, I need to, in fact, weigh all of the evidence. Therefore, I have to look at every single stock market in the world on both short-term and long-term time frames.

Free Educational Webinar Thursday 3/24 @ 1:45PM ET

March 23, 2016

This Thursday March 24th, I will be presenting at an all day live webinar presented by Investor Inspiration. I will be joining six additional speakers and my time slot begins at 1:45PM ET.

During my session, we will be discussing some of the basic technical analysis principles that I incorporate in my work every day. These include Supply & Demand analysis, Momentum, Fibonacci, Correlations and how to use Moving Averages for trend identification.