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All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Here's How We're Going To Make Money In Energy This Month

March 2, 2017

For me it's not just about buying a group of stocks, but about buying the strongest members of that group. I am a firm believer that by erring on the long side of relative strength or erring on the short side of relative weakness, the odds of a continuation in trend is much greater than the odds of a reversal. Therefore, there is a higher probability of success by following trend, rather than trying to fight trends. So today I want to talk about how we're going to take this top/down approach and apply it to find profitable trades this month in Energy stocks. 


What Are The 10 Most Important Liquid Assets On Earth?

March 1, 2017

Hey guys, I could really use your help with this. I'm trying to a consensus answer on the list of the 10 most important liquid assets on earth. I've given this a lot of thought and have come up with mine. But I want to know what you think. I'll post the poll results at the end of the week. Here is my list in no particular order:

Stay Away From Stocks Near Flat 200 Day Moving Averages

February 28, 2017

I'm lucky that I get a chance to read a lot and converse with really smart market participants all the time. So there are many lessons that I've gotten to learn the easy way, from my predecessors and colleagues. But there are some lessons that damn it you just need to learn on your own. For me one of those lessons was trading stocks near flat 200 day moving averages. And when I say "stock", this can refer to an ETF, Commodity Futures, Index, etc. But when they're near their directionless longer-term smoothing mechanism, you're begging for trouble. If you like headaches, trade stocks near flat 200 day moving averages. 

[Chart of the Week] The Global Stock Market Breaks Out To All-Time Highs!

February 21, 2017

I'm lucky in that I learned early in my career that we're in a global market place. The United States, while it is certainly important, is just one country within a massive interconnected global market. We see this more and more every day. Many choose to focus on US Stocks, and that's fine. But I think even if that's the case, approaching the market globally is not only an advantage, but becoming more of a necessity with each day that passes.

Today I want to share a chart that really tells an interesting story about what is actually happening in stocks around the world. I've taken the 10 largest exchanges in the world, including both developed and emerging markets, and equally-weighted each of them to create an All Star Charts Top 10 Global Exchanges Index. You can see embedded in the chart, the exact list of components:

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Wednesday February 22nd at 7PM ET

February 16, 2017

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets.

Over the past 10 days I have been traveling throughout southeast Asia learning new strategies and perspectives from local traders and investors. I'm lucky that I truly love what I do and the evolution of my process is far from complete. Every day the world is getting smaller and more interconnected than ever. Although cultures my be very different, the human psyche is universal. Our emotions controlled by fear and greed can be seen everywhere from New York City, to St. Louis, MO to London, to Kuala Lumpur. The difference is simply the perspective from which each investor sees the world, and therefore the marketplace. Trying to get inside the mind of these investors has been a fascinating process and I firmly believe that it gives me a leg up over everyone else.

The JC Stock Market Breadth Indicator

February 14, 2017

Today I wanted to talk about something that I've never really written about here before but I think is a really important point that I want to make sure I get across. I'm lucky that I get to chat with investors all over the world on a daily basis. Whether you are a professional investor with 30 years of experience, or a student in Hong Kong who just made his/her first trade, I am always willing to chat. Not only does this help me learn about different strategies, objectives and cultures, but also helps give me perspective from all sorts of different angles.

Chart Summit 2017 Presentation Video: JC Parets

February 4, 2017

The first ever Chart Summit was a huge success. I can't believe how awesome that was. Considering this was 100% virtual and presenters and audience members were logging in remotely from every part of the world, we managed to get through it without many hiccups. Most of the videos have been published correctly and audience members are able to go back and get through about 95% of all the content. Not bad. I think we'll take it.

The feedback has been amazing so thank you to everyone who helped make this possible, including our presenters, our sponsors and, most importantly, to our audience who showed up with enthusiasm to learn! I love to see so much excitement towards the discipline of Technical Analysis. I did everything I could with the hope that my predecessors who first broke barriers for us Technicians back in the 1960s and 70s would be proud of what we were able to accomplish last week.

A Top/Down Analysis of Global Markets: Stocks, Commodities, Forex & Rates

February 2, 2017

This weekend was one of the most amazing professional experiences of my life. I'm fortunate that I have friends who are really smart and willing to give up some of their time on a Saturday to share their knowledge and wisdom with investors all over the world. The turn out for Chart Summit exceeded all expectations and the feedback has been tremendous. This week, videos of all the presentations will be sent out to anyone and everyone who registered for the event