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Here's Why Germany Matters

October 3, 2018

There is a lot of noise being made this week about potential divergences in U.S. Stock markets. The one thing that gets lost in the shuffle is that just because asset A is rising and asset B is not keeping up, that asset A needs to correct and come down to meet asset B. Rarely does it get mentioned that asset B can just get some rotation and catch up to the relative strength that asset A is showing. In fact, during bull markets (which we're in, not sure if you heard) the latter is a perfectly normal occurrence.

Today we're going to take a look at a more macro correlation that I think we need to be watching. We're talking specifically about the long-term behavior patterns of the S&P500 in America and the DAX in Germany. Going back many decades, these two indexes really move in sync.

All Star Options

[Options Premium] An Old School Leader

October 3, 2018

We were bullish on Microsoft all summer, and with $MSFT printing another new all-time high this week, our stance hasn't diminished in the least. The only thing that's changed is we've raised our price target. That tends to happen in bull markets.

In our October conference call for subscribers, we teased a bullish trade idea in $MSFT. And upon further reflection, I think I've come up with an even better probability play with an opportunity for better risk adjusted returns.



Why PTC India May Rally 20%

October 3, 2018

Small and mid-caps have been hit hard since late August, so rather than look for short opportunities after a large move, we're looking for potential counter-trend trades on the long side. Today's candidate is PTC India.

How Stocks Do Depends On Bonds & Yen!

October 2, 2018

I have to give credit to our Intermarket Analysis work for a lot of our success over the years. This "Cross-Asset" perspective is incredibly valuable, particularly when it comes to identifying and staying with important trends. As a supplement to our Technical work in U.S. Stocks and Indexes, we incorporate a variety of Intermarket relationships to help us formulate a thesis. These include Bonds, Commodities and Currencies.

When it comes to safety, I don't care what people believe is a safe haven, I only care how the market reacts when it needs to go safe. When markets stressed and volatility rises, stocks fall in price and US Treasury Bonds and Japanese Yen reap the benefits.  When did Yen and Bonds get strong? Summer of 2015 just as the S&P500 was topping out. When did Yen and Bonds peak? When stocks got going several months before the 2016 elections. Both of these are near their 52-week lows, which makes perfect sense with Stocks at all-time highs.

All Star Charts Premium

[Premium] What The Monthly Charts Are Suggesting

October 1, 2018

The one thing we do know is that stocks are not in a downtrend. New all-time highs are consistent with a stock market environment where prices are rising. We saw new all-time monthly closing highs in most of the major U.S. Stock Indexes last week. The question is more about whether or not we're starting to see this trend change or deteriorate in any way. The short answer is no. We do not see enough evidence to support a bearish approach towards equities, quite the opposite in fact.

Here's what I'm seeing:

All Star Options

[Options Premium] November Income Trade

September 30, 2018

We've got 46 days until November expiration and it's always good to have some income trades on for every monthly expiration. It just makes good sense for somewhat diversifying our portfolio. We don't want to have only directional and/or long premium plays on. If the market goes sideways or falls somewhat from here, we need to have some cushion built in somewhere.

After reviewing all the most liquid ETFs we track, I've identified our best candidate based on relatively high implied volatility and range-bound trading action.

Energy Commodity Out-Performance Continues

September 30, 2018

From the desk of Tom Bruni @BruniCharting

Earlier this month we did two Energy updates from the top-down, ultimately drilling into the best individual stock opportunities in both Canada and the US. I feel like there's been a lot of noise around Crude Oil and Energy in general because of OPEC, Trade Wars, and whatever else the media can come up with, so I just want to do a quick update on what we're seeing in Energy Commodities.

[Premium] Monthly Chart Changes

September 29, 2018

September has been a month where the market's experienced some sharp moves to the downside, so I want to use this post to review what we spoke about last month and provides some context around any changes that have occurred since then.

All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 7: Kim Sokoloff, CMT & Trader

September 28, 2018


Kim Sokoloff is a trader's trader. Whenever I see her she is always telling me about her trading day, what she was buying and what she was selling. I have a huge appreciation for the passion she brings to the markets on a daily basis. We all have different time horizons, some longer-term and some shorter-term. Kim is concerned with what stocks are doing over a a few days. For her, "long-term" is only a couple of weeks. In this episode, Kim walks us through her morning routine and thought process throughout the trading day. We've had analysts, money managers and traders on the podcast, but in this conversation we really dive deep into what it's like trading every day from an apartment in lower Manhattan. I really enjoyed this discussion with a very active swing trader and practicing technician.

[Options Premium] Which Way XLK?

September 27, 2018

As the Technology sector goes, so often goes the market. And the Tech Select Sector ETF $XLK has been going nowhere -- increasingly so -- over the past several weeks.

Does anybody here think broader market indices go sideways from now until the end of the year?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

If, or rather when, indices start busting a move, we're pretty confident that the technology sector will have a major say in the direction and pace. And we've got a plan to participate, whichever way it goes.