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All Star Options Portfolio Review

We made good money in 2024.

Could we have done better? Absolutely.

Did we get out of some trades too soon? Definitely.

Do I have any regrets? Zero. I never regret sticking to my plans.

One of the best things I do every year is review all of my past trades to determine what drove my profits and losses.

As is the case most years, the vast majority of my profits can be attributed to just a handful of my trades. There were 126 trades exited in 2024, but there were a few standouts that made all the difference.

And this year, I feel I have some important takeaways that will drive my decision-making in 2025, especially around capital efficiency and how to make the most money out of my best ideas.

This might be the most important piece of content I've published all year. Grab yourself a stimulating beverage and settle in:

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