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[Premium] Members-Only Conference Call Wednesday March 14th at 7PM ET

March 10, 2018

Every month I host a conference call for All Star Charts Premium Members where we discuss ongoing themes throughout the global marketplace as well as changes in trends where new positions would be most appropriate. This includes U.S. Stocks & Sectors, International Stock Indexes, Commodities, Currencies and Interest Rate Markets.

We've been on the right side of the market as we have focused on leading stocks and sectors and ignored the noise coming from the media. They want to run night time specials about markets in turmoil so they can sell ads to their precious sponsors at the expense of their consumers. We focus on the bond market that was screaming at us to buy stocks because we were not seeing any stress in credit. To the contrary, we saw credit spreads tightening while some were irresponsibly freaking out. We want to stick with this bullish approach to equities as there continues to be overwhelming evidence that stocks are in uptrends, not downtrends.

This month's Conference Call will be held on Wednesday March 14th at 7PM ET. Here are the Registration Details:

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