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[Premium] My List Of Technology Stocks We Want To Own Today

November 16, 2017

We're here to make money in the market aren't we? Some people want to gossip about tax cuts or who the next fed chair might be. I personally see no absolutely value in this sort of data. In fact, I believe it does more harm than good.

We want to turn the TV off, shut down the twitters and social medias and focus on the only thing that matters: price. The first thing we do is identify what the current market environment looks like. In this process we include stock market indexes in both the U.S. and all over the world, Commodities, Interest Rates and Currencies. Once we have laid out exactly what sort of environment we're in, then we can dig down to the individual sector level and ultimately to stock specific ideas. But all of this must be done after we've identified what sort of environment we're currently in.

Click here to see what the current environment is like today:

This is what I'm seeing out of Technology stocks specifically. While there are a few stocks with shorting potential, and some other stocks not listed here worth buying, this is a list specifically focused on only the best risk vs reward opportunities in the direction of the primary trend, which is currently up:





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