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Silver Tarnishes Gold’s New All-Time Highs

March 25, 2024

From the Desk of Ian Culley @IanCulley

Pop the champagne!

Gold reached new all-time highs. 

Now, whether we consider the shiny yellow rock a viable investment is another story.

You know I’m bullish…  

Yet I can’t overlook silver’s lack of participation.

I think of silver as gold’s rambunctious cousin — lots of fun until someone gets hurt — and someone always gets hurt!

Perhaps trading silver isn’t your cup of tea. I don’t blame you.

But silver rallies possess an infectious exuberance. Its rowdy antics and monstrous daily ranges magnetize investors as they attempt to skirt silver’s flame without burning to a crisp. 

Unfortunately, silver isn’t bringing the heat. It has yet to break out, and the silver-to-gold ratio is trending lower.

A similar scenario unfolded last spring when gold ran up against its former all-time highs:

The result: 10 more months of sideways chop.

Despite a likely pullback, gold futures and the Gold Shares ETF $GLD remain buys if they trade above last month’s breakout levels (2,100 and 193, respectively).

But gold will take the scenic route until silver breathes a little life into the precious metals space.

Don’t worry, it’ll be impossible to miss. 

Silver’s breakout will outshine gold’s new all-time highs as sabers swing, popping bottles left and right. 

We’re talking about a real party. Someone will lose their shirt… or even an eye. 

But investors won’t be able to resist the good times.


Click here to watch this week’s Gold Rush Video:

Remote video URL

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