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The Bitcoin Miners Deepdive

April 24, 2024

The Bitcoin halving has come and gone, and my perspective on it remains unchanged: it was a non-event. Contrary to expectations based on previous cycles, this halving had little impact on Bitcoin's trajectory, which appears more influenced by broader market liquidity conditions. While some may argue for its significance, any effect on the market seems to stem mainly from sentiment rather than fundamental changes in supply or demand.

One sentiment dynamic worth noting is the classic pattern of "buying the rumor, selling the news." However, in the case of the halving, we've witnessed a reversal of this trend. Investors preemptively adjusted their positions leading up to the event, particularly in Bitcoin mining stocks, anticipating the halving's impact on revenues. Surprisingly, instead of selling off after the halving, there has been a notable increase in buying activity, reflecting a shift in sentiment.

This behavior aligns with a fundamental aspect of human psychology: the aversion to uncertainty. Similarly, investors prefer to act when outcomes seem more predictable, hence the recent surge in buying activity post-halving.

Looking specifically at Bitcoin mining stocks, I'm seeing significant movements in their prices, indicating heightened investor interest. While over the short-term they appear overextended, a longer-term opportunity seems to be emerging.

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