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Crypto, But With Macro Pressure

March 8, 2022

We really hate to sound like a broken record, but we want to be downright obnoxious in hammering this down.

There's no edge in pushing longs right now, seriously.

You can try all you want. But all you're doing is asking to get whipsawed and chopped up.

Scroll down to download this week's chart deck.

It's a tale as old as time, traders pushing their opinions onto the market and not adapting their approach for different environments.

Trend-following strategies worked great in 2020 and after the summer bottom last year.

But now? Not so much.

Forget about headlines, opinions, or gossip. It's all noise.

Money is the only thing that moves markets. Follow money flow.

And what's the tape saying?

Downtrends and ranges everywhere. That's the tale for not just crypto, but macro too.





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