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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (04-18-2023)

April 18, 2023

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The common theme over the past week has been to grind lower in the morning and then move back up in the indices.

It doesn't really feel like we're moving at all.

Here are today’s trades:

  • I bought $IWM on April 17 at 178 and sold today at 178.01. I had over a buck profit but was looking for 180 instead it flopped, a common theme lately.
  • I bought $JWN on April 17 at 16.85 and sold today at 17.16. That's a move of more than 2%!
  • I bought $VLO at 126.57 and sold at 127.50.
  • I bought $VLO at 126.60 and sold at 127.57. Yes, I bought two times as it pulled back in!
  • I bought $JPM at 140.24 and sold at 140.30. I sold too quick, but I came back to it...
  • I bought $JPM at 140.72 and sold at 141.40.
  • I shorted $TTD at 62.26 and covered at 61.98. It did eventually go to target at 61.71.

I said in the live trading room that $NVDA could drop at 2:00 p.m. ET. I shorted it at 276.70 and covered at 175.51. I still think there's potential down to 271.

I booked two losers:

  • I bought $LMT at 505.20 and sold at 502.20. It did go to target at 507.20.
  • I shorted $LUV at 31.40 and covered at 32.16. 

I have open long positions in $HES, $VXX, $ERY, $SQQQ, and $COIN.

$SPY is trying to work its way back to 415.

If it can really push through that level, there's potential to 421.

Have a great evening. Look for the Morning Briefing on Wednesday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team