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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (11-14-2022)

November 14, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The indices consolidated most of the day.

And that's healthy.

Here are today’s trades:

  • I bought $BTU at 28.60 and sold at 29.08.
  • I bought $NET at 52.60 and sold at 53.10.
  • I bought $AAPL  at 148.81 and sold at 149.89.

I also closed a swing trade today: 

  • I bought $TSLA on Nov. 9 at 193.86 and sold it on Nov. 11 at 196.40.

I identified three actionable setups in the live trading room:

  • I called out $XOM at 113.80 with a target of 114.50.
  • I called out $NFLX at 294 with a target of 299.
  • And I called out $V at 206 with a target of 207.

I booked one loser:

  • I bought $RBLX at 36.40 and sold at 35.32.

I have two open positions, a $JPM short and an $LCRX short.

If we manage to hold in this range, $SPY can hit 407.

We’ll see you live at tomorrow’s open to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team