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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (11-11-2022)

November 11, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Well over a month ago, J.C. and I talked in the live trading room about a "W" pattern forming in $SPY.

This pattern is still intact. The measured move I have on SPY, should this pattern hold, is roughly at the 407 to 410 level.

I only made one trade today, but I called out multiple setups in the room.

Here's today’s trade:

  • I shorted $VLO at 134.77 and covered at 132.71.

Here are the setups I called out:

  • Short $TMUS at 148 with a target of 146.20.
  • Long $UBER at 29.30 with a target of 30.10.
  • Long $RBLX at 33.80 with a target of 34.50.
  • Long $TGT at 170.50 with a target of 173.
  • Long $SE at 48.80 with a target of 49.50.

And all those targets were achieved.

I have a couple of losing trades to update:

  • On November 10, I bought $ABNB at 102.22 and sold at 100.28. I should have held on. 
  • On November 7,  I shorted $GOOGL at 87 and covered before the election at 88.83.

Happy Veterans Day to all the vets out there.

We greatly appreciate your service.

Have a great weekend. Look for the Morning Briefing on Monday.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team