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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (11-03-2022)

November 3, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The market did bounce from the lows at $SPX 3,700, but it was lackluster.

In order for this market to head back up hill, the SPX would have to get above 3,750 and hold it for a move to 3,775.

Here are today's trades:

  • I bought $ARKK at 35.94 and sold at 36.40.
  • I bought $ORCL at 74.26 and sold at 74.44. I sold this one way too soon. My target was up at 75. But I didn't stay with it.
  • I bought $SE at 46.22 and sold at 46.75.

I identified multiple setups for STPers in the live trading room today too:

  • I called out $AMD at 59.50 for a move to 61.
  • I called out $MU at 52.50 for a move to 53.40.
  • And I called out $BA on a break of 153 for a move to 156.

I have one open position, a $GOOGL long.

The market has rallied sharply the last two Fridays. Will we get a repeat tomorrow? Hard to tell.

You must manage your risk that you define for yourself; only you know what that is.

We'll see you live tomorrow's open to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team