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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-27-2022)

October 27, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The market took a healthy pause today, and the $SPX held onto 3,800 support. The next level of support is 3,772.

So far this week, the market has shrugged off bad tech earnings. Let's see what $AAPL and $AMZN bring us tonight.

We'll also see if the $SPY holds onto 380 and then 378. If not we have room down to 376.55.

Here are today's trades:

  • I shorted $VLO at 130.10 and covered at 129.10.
  • I bought $GOOGL at 93.18 and sold at 94.18.

I also called out $META at 100.50 to the STPers in the live trading room. It bounced to 102.50.

I have two open positions, an $FCX short and a $GOOGL long.

Overall, I was not pushing it today. The market needed a rest.

We'll see you live at tomorrow's open to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team