The Outperformers
Here is the list of The Outperformers that we sorted by way of relative strength. These stocks have been selected on the basis of inter-, and intra- sectoral performances. So while these belong to the sectors that outperform the market, these stocks outperform their peers within the same sector.
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In our last post, we looked at Bharti Airtel.
Today we're looking at the stock from an outperforming Automobile sector. TVS Motor had a multiyear base breakout in the quarter gone by. It has continued to outperform the Auto sector and the broader market.
Currently, the price has broken above the resistance from the critical Fibonacci extension at 1,137 with momentum in bullish overbought territory.
We're positive with 1,137 as the risk management level and target near 1,691.
This bottom-up scan helps us identify the stocks that are on the move as sectors continue to shuffle between strength and weakness.
Thanks for reading and please let us know if you have any questions.
Allstarcharts Team