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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-20-2022)

October 20, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

That was a fun day in the live trading room. J.C. joined us, and it was fantastic!!

Now, on to the markets folks.

Around 12:00 p.m. ET or so the market started to slide -- four Fed speakers, and down we went.

Here are today's winning trades:

  • I bought $NVDA at 122.48 and sold it at 123.50.
  • I shorted $XOM at 104.80 and covered at 104.40.
  • I bought $CAT on October 18 at 184.60 and sold it today at 185.60.

We identified multiple winners as well:

  • J.C. called out $TSLA at 203, and I said it could potentially head to 209.
  • I called out $INTC at 26.50, and it ran to 26.95.
  • I called out $FCX at 29.80 for a run to 30.50 or so.
  • I also called out $OXY at gap closure at 69 for a bounce trade, and it ran to 70.48.

I took one loss today:

  • I bought $SPY at 371.40 and got stopped out at 369.

It was fast trading, and my hedges are helping a lot. Manage risk or sit in cash.

It's hard to know if we go down from here or bounce. Should we break down, the next level of support on the SPX is 3,638, then roughly 3,600.

We'll see you live at the open on Friday to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team