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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-19-2022)

October 19, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Today was more of a consolidation day for the market. I'd prefer that the SPX hangs onto 3,669, which it did (and hopefully does in the days ahead).

It would be nice if we saw the recent bottom become a tradable low from which we trend higher.

Here are today's trades:

  • I bought $MU at 52.84 and sold it at 53.39.
  • I bought $MRNA at 124.10 and sold it at 124.49.
  • I bought $MU at 52 and sold it at 53.22 in a late-day trade.

I also recommended $XOM at 102.50 to the STPers in the live trading room.

I booked one loss:

  • I bought $BABA at 74.10 and got stopped out at 72.44.

I have two longs on, including $CAT from 184.60. It went as high as 185.70 today. I alerted the room if anyone wanted to take profits; it was up a buck.

And I have two hedges in place that helped out my longs today because they were flat or down.

Time will tell. This market is extremely choppy. You must manage your risk and live to fight another day.

We'll see you live at the open on Thursday to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team