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October 12, 2022

So this just happened:

I was invited to be interviewed by Industry stalwarts and to present my market views on the No.1 market channel- CNBC TV18.

Obviously, I took the opportunity with both hands and worked on downplaying just how big a deal this was for me. This system worked, because sometimes (most times) you tend to get in your own way. And I wanted to keep that path clear.

Not to worry, dear subscribers, it's nothing I haven't shared with you in Conference calls before. Our first and foremost preference is YOU! So I'm pretty sure to you this is old news, but well, this was a new and exciting experience for me.

The themes discussed were sectoral outperformance and stock outperformance within those sectors.

India continues to outperform the global markets and we haven't seen signs of that decoupling waning yet. For those interested, I have attached the video below. Make sure you get the Nifty levels right because those are the levels we're tracking diligently.

Let me know what you think!