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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-10-2022)

October 10, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

This market is not for the faint of heart. It'll whipsaw you around, so you must be diligent. Failing that, it's best not to trade.

Just because I'm taking a trade doesn't mean you have to. 

Today, the Nasdaq hit a new 52-week low, and the S&P 500 came close to doing the same.

The semiconductors really started to bounce off their respective lows. I think a lot of that had to do with $AAPL being green. That's a name I'll watch over the next few days. 

Here's how I traded today:

  • I bought $AMD at 57.09 and 57.52 and sold at 57.70 and then 58. This was a bounce trade off the 52-week low.
  • I bought $FCX at 29.70 and sold at 30.05. This name was in a bull flag pattern but hasn't held the high. I'll watch keep watching it.
  • I bought $BA at 133.17 and sold at 134.70. The stock was in a tight range; I was looking for a pop over 133.89.

I booked two losers:

  • I bought $TSLA at 226 and got stopped out at 223.50. This was a small trade. I was looking for a push to 230.
  • I shorted $SPY, a hedge for my longs at 360.28 that I covered at 360.60. I didn't give it enough time

I have two open positions, one in $EXPE and one in $WFC

The market has been in a steady decline, so I've been smaller on most trades over the past few weeks.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

We'll see you live at the open Tuesday morning to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team