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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-06-2022)

October 6, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

So, we had a decent consolidation day.

We just have to make sure this market hangs on.

We had three nice up days. Now, we're pulling in, which is healthy.

But I am seeing a couple of problems.

Oil prices rising is not the best for the market. And bonds are heading south, which is not so good either. I guess time will tell.

Here's how I traded today:

  • I bought $SNOW at 187 and sold it at 188.40. This stock broke above yesterday's high and hit resistance at 189.
  • I bought $SQ at 62.35 and sold it at 63.12. I was watching this name the past few days. 
  • I bought $PYPL at 95 and sold it at 95.42. My trigger was at 94.50; that's where I should have taken the trade.
  • I bought $DIS at 100.80 and was stopped out at 100.

I alerted people in the live trading room about $NVDA at 133.5 for a one-point move to 134.5. I didn't take this trade.

All names reversed lower so it was a good day to take profits quickly.

We'll see you live at the open Friday morning to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team