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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (10-04-2022)

October 4, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

The market continued to rally all day. It was nice to see.

Now, hopefully we do get follow through.

Maybe a little sideways to downward action would be healthy for the market before it continues higher.

Here's how I traded today:

  • I bought $TSLA  at 251.78 and sold it at 254. I was looking for the 250 level to hold for an entry.
  • I bought $TGT at 156.50 and sold it at 158.29. I was looking for a break of 156, which occurred on Sept. 28. 
  • I bought $DIS at 100.10 and sold it at 101.14. I was looking for a break of 100, with the first stop at the Sept. 23 high around 101.18
  • I bought $COIN at 71.15 and sold it at 72.19. I was watching for a break of 70.50 for continuation higher.
  • I did alert everyone in the live trading room otday that I liked $MS long at 83.50 for a move to 84.20. That target was achieved.
  • I shorted $RBLX at 37.62 but covered it at 38.72. I was looking for gap-fill down to 36.67, but it didn't happen My short trade was small -- I took a buck loss.
  • I'm holding a small short position in $VLO, as the market is up and away.

I was aggressive with my longs today. And, because the market was trending higher, I kept the short trades very small.

We'll see you live at the open tomorrow to start the trading day.

And please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team