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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (09-29-2022)

September 29, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

Yesterday is seeming more like a one-hit wonder, as the indices dropped hard today.

The $QQQ finally played catch-up to the $SPY and hit a new low.

I'm being very quick with my trades, and I only held one position this week overnight for a swing due to the volatility.

I'm hoping for better opportunities soon, or at least stabilization.

Here's what we did today:

  • I bought $XOM at 88.14. I sold half at 88.54 and the rest 88.60.
  • I bought $MRNA at 115.56. I sold half at 11f6, then other half 116.10.
  • I shorted $TWTR at 42.72. I covered more than half at 42.47 and then rest at 42.66.

I booked one loss...

  • I bought $NFLX, a very small amount, at 243.80 and got stopped out at 240.

I'm trading for small wins at the moment.

I'll be live tomorrow morning just as long as I don't lose power with the remnants of Ian passing through overnight!!

Please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team