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Swing Trader Pro: Afternoon Briefing (09-26-2022)

September 26, 2022

From the Desk of Kimmy Sokoloff

This morning, it looked like the market could've trended higher.

I bought $SPY at 367.4 and it rallied to 370, a resistance level.

As I said in the live chat, 370 is resistance, so if you wanted to sell, this was a good profit. The market never looked back after that.

We trended lower to sideways the rest of the day. I still think it's hard to short at these levels just because we're very oversold.

I called out $WYNN long in chat if it held 63 before the market opened. It ran up nicely to 68.89. I missed the morning entry and came back in later in the day around 68. I'm looking for 69.40 and then possibly 70.

Please manage your risk. And please do your due diligence. If there is a profit on the table, don't wait for me.

I did short $RBLX at 36.60 and covered at 36.18.

As I said in the Morning Briefing, I was originally looking for a long trade in this name. Yes, long and short the same name in the same day is possible. $AMD went long and flopped.

I'm still looking for a bounce overall in many names.

We'll see you live tomorrow morning to open the day's trading.

Please reach out with any questions.

All Star Charts Team