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The Unintended Benefit of Crypto

August 31, 2022

From the Desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

One of the hallmarks that's defined crypto is its sheer innovative and scalable nature.

Blockchains are bringing tremendous benefits to traditional industries; self-sovereignty of massive sums of capital, incredibly efficient payment methods, digital collectibles, play-to-earn, and decentralization are all great examples.

Perhaps one of the more overlooked outcomes of this asset class blossoming is the promotion of finance among disenfranchised youth.

I saw this tweet the other day and couldn't help but think how great a point the author was conveying:


I can most certainly attest to this.

Whether it's my old high school buddies, random strangers on the internet, or my closest friends, they're all aware of crypto.

Crypto has repackaged traditional finance, not only mechanisms underlying the industry but its public image.

The young people I talk to every day understand crypto. Generation Z is digital-native and has naturally progressed to crypto-native.

The cohort understands how and why NFTs are a thing, they get the value proposition of the Bitcoin network, and they know how to operate in the world of DeFi.

To older folk who have ample experience with old-school finance, transacting and navigating traditional markets and banking systems is elementary.

But many would be scared to transact over a blockchain, whether that be through something as basic as Metamask or a via a more complex crypto network.

It's the complete opposite for people of my age; the crypto framework is more intuitive than its traditional counterpart.

Even as someone studying accounting and finance at university, I still find it archaic to do a bank transfer just to pay an invoice.

But if I'm sending money across five different chains and exchanges, that's much easier to grasp because it's all driven by self-custody.

Crypto has grown a reputation for being fun and exciting, so it's spurred this generation into a new-found interest in finance. The trend has been well fed by Reddit and meme culture.

Finance is becoming a universal language of the internet, thanks to cryptocurrency.

I see a lot of shade thrown at youngsters for stowing their money in crypto.

Even if they're doing so irresponsibly, let's not forget that they wouldn't even be slightly interested in finance, investing, and trading if it wasn't for crypto in the first place.

So what if they're losing some pocket money in the short term? What does that matter in the grand scheme of things?

They're learning vital lessons, and they're having fun in the process.

Maybe they're learning because they're having fun.

Call me crazy, but exposing this generation of young people to finance has been one of the greatest unintended benefits of this entire crypto experiment.

Do you agree?

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