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[Premium] Trade Of The Week

July 19, 2021

We've been seeing some strength in the Realty sector over the past couple of weeks. So this week we're taking a look at a long setup in Realty itself.

Let's see what we have today.

LT has been hanging around these levels for quite some time now. With the movement coming through in Realty stocks, LT is back on our radar.

In the week gone by, we got a big base breakout! The price moved out of a two-and-a-half-year base and it absorbed the overhead supply at 1,570. The indicator is in the process of following through, so we'll just have to wait for that.

For now, the level that we're watching closely is 1,570. If the price stays above this level, we're bullish. A move below this, and this will not be our problem anymore!

The target to track in case of a continuation in trend would be close to 2,110.

Can Realty be the next sector to take leadership as the market digests its gains? Most certainly! But we will continue to follow this space carefully.

Thanks for reading and please let us know if you have any questions.

And if you're a Premium Member, be sure to check out our other weekly post, "Three Charts For The Week Ahead."

Allstarcharts Team