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[Premium] Trade Of The Week

July 10, 2021

This week we're looking for a long setup in the Industrial Manufacturing sector. We shared a few ideas in our recently concluded Monthly strategy call as well. But here's another name that's looking good!

Let's see what we have today.

Bharat Forge broke out of its three-year big base breakout in the week gone by. Other names in this sector have been catching up, and the price seems to have chosen its direction. The overhead supply at the 785 level has been absorbed. The indicator too is in bullish momentum territory, comfortably floating higher.

We are bullish above the level of 785, with a target near 1,140.

Sector rotation continues to play out with the Industrial Manufacturers now taking some lead.

Thanks for reading and please let us know if you have any questions.

And if you're a Premium Member, be sure to check out our other weekly post, "Three Charts For The Week Ahead."

Allstarcharts Team