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[PLUS] Weekly Top 10 Report

June 7, 2021

From the desk of Steve Strazza @Sstrazza

Our Top 10 report was just published. In this weekly note, we highlight 10 of the most important charts or themes we're currently seeing in asset classes around the world.

Momentum Rebalance Heavy On Financials

One of the big lessons investors have been taught this year is that Growth is not Momentum. For many years, Growth-oriented sectors held the reigns of Momentum strategies. But that's not because the two are synonymous in any fundamental way. It's simply because growth stocks have been where the momentum is. In other words, they've been going up!

Well, that's changing and this is yet another data point that supports this view. After MSCI’s semi-annual rebalance of the Momentum Factor ETF $MTUM, Technology has shrunk from a 41% to 18% weighting, while Financials’ weighting has shot up from a measly 2% to 32%. Moreover, both Consumer Discretionary and Communications have shrunk in their weighting, while the other Value sectors - Industrials, Materials, and Energy - now represent a far more significant portion of the ETF.    


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