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Our Bottom Up Stock Screeners Explained

March 20, 2021

Our top-down macro approach keeps us in tune with the markets. It’s the backbone of everything we do here at All Star Charts. 

We’ve strived to stay true to our time-tested analysis by complimenting our top-down approach with several bottom-up scans we've implemented over the past 12 months. From Under the Hood and 2 to 100 Club to the Young Aristocrats and Minor Leaguers, we’re always aiming to give you the tools you need to succeed in any market conditions. 

Click here to watch a brief video of JC explaining our most popular scans!

We thought it'd be helpful to have detailed explanations of all these reports in one location for our members to access. You can click the links below to learn more about what goes into each of these fantastic reports.

Under the Hood Explained

2 to 100 Club Explained

Young Aristocrats Explained

Minor Leaguers Explained

Fade the Street Explained 

Freshly Squeezed  Explained

As always, please let us know if you have any questions!



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