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Louis' Look: Keep Your Charts Clean

January 5, 2021

From the desk of Louis Sykes @haumicharts

I hope you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed your New Year's celebrations.

It's around this time of the year everyone gets all excited to ramp up their New Year's Resolutions: start exercising more, lose some weight, drink less...

But if there's one resolution I'd like to see more of from technical analysts, it's to keep your charts clean!

When I first stumbled on the path of technical analysis, my impression was that this was some mystical prediction machine, where if you analyzed 12 different indicators, oscillators, and moving averages, you could be the new PTJ.

But this couldn't be further from the truth.

Before joining these guys and figuring out what technical analysis really is, this is how my charts looked...

What a mess...

We all have to start somewhere, and I feel like this is something a lot of technicians go through. In fact, credit goes to Strazza for the chart above - even the best analysts on the platform have gone through this stage. The only way out of it is to take pride in your charts and keep em' clean.

If you're sharing charts, no one wants to see your triage of moving averages or your five different oscillators - take them out! Make it easy for your readers, and you'll be making your job a lot easier too. That is, identifying the trend and managing risk.

It's funny. It used to take me about 500 words to explain a topic. Now I'm down to 300. You see, I'm saving you time by shortening my posts, just like your followers will be happy to see a clean chart. Win, win, right?

So now, if we fast forward to what my charts are like nowadays...

A lot easier on the eyes, don't you think?

So if your charts are closer to the first rather than the second, I think cleaning up your charts should be a Resolution on ya list.

I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this topic. I'm sure all of us reading go through countless charts every week, so fire me an email with your thoughts!

And here's to a great 2021,


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