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The Power Of Getting Away

June 3, 2019

I know some people who haven't taken a vacation in years. The excuses come in all shapes and sizes. For me, I think that does much more harm than good. I know this for a fact because I used to be one of those people. I used to think that I didn't deserve a break. "I'm not there yet", is what I'd say. I skipped vacations with my family and encouraged them to go without me. I've regretted those decisions ever since.

Over the past 5 years I've made it a point to get away regularly. I've written about it the benefits before and I feel more strongly about this than ever. Even if you take a week off where you just stick your computer in the closet and make it more of a staycation, that works too. It's important to be self-aware. I know myself enough that I do not have the discipline to stay away from my computer if I'm home. I like my work. I know I'll jump on and check out some charts. I can't help myself. So I need to go away completely to accomplish my goal of 'getting away'.

Usually I'll get out for 5-7 days at the most about twice a year. Once in the summer and once during ski season. It helps clear my mind and come back refreshed. Those of you who have known me for a long time know that I don't care if stocks double or get cut in half. Gold can go to zero tomorrow and it won't matter to me. I'm not a permabull or permabear in any asset. Those are fools. I'm convinced that regularly getting away and starting from scratch when I return helps me keep an open mind. The best example I can think of is when I went to Mexico 3 years ago (June 2016) thinking U.S. stocks were about to roll over and then came back a week later buying every stock on earth. It was a quite the change of heart that I can only credit my vacation and getting away to come back with an open mind. Stocks all over the world ripped from there and never looked back!

Last month I officially became the luckiest guy in the world, getting to marry the love of my life. The day after the ceremony we flew to the Cyclades Islands in Greece. This two week break was the longest I've ever taken. The honeymoon aspect of the trip helped me justify the length, compared to just 5-7 days, which is the most I've normally taken over the years.

So what did I learn?

  • Nothing has changed in the market. U.S. Stocks are still below overhead supply. Cash and US Treasury Bonds continue to work. Precious metals are still a dud and the US Dollar continues to do nothing.
  • The financial media keeps making up ridiculous reasons for every 50 basis point move in the S&P500
  • Same people are arguing over the same nonsense on twitter and can't move on
  • My business can run smoothly for 2 weeks, even if I'm on the other side of the planet
  • Greece is an absolutely amazing place and I encourage anyone to get to these islands as soon as possible. I can't believe it took me 37 years to get there.
  • Getting away is absolutely essential to my personal growth and success. I feel stronger about this than ever.

I will be following up with some of my thoughts on the Stock Market, both in the U.S. and Globally, how the US Dollar's next move will impact things and what's next for interest rates and precious metals. But for now, if I can leave you with anything, it's that I encourage everyone, young or old, new to markets or veterans, to get the hell away. Just go! Don't even think about it. Turn the damn computer off and get your mind right. Come back refreshed and start from scratch open to any and all possibilities. It's one of the most valuable parts of my entire process. I'm totally convinced.

You can check out some of the pictures from Greece here @allstarcharts on IG.

Also, rather than get back to the States right away, I'm working from Europe for the next two weeks meeting with customers, colleagues and old friends. This is how I learn. The world does not revolve around midtown Manhattan. There are many people who unfortunately still believe it does. I'm lucky that I've had the opportunity to learn from investors in Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan and Kuala Lumpur, among others. This month I hope to have similar growth experiences in Athens, London, Amsterdam, Paris and Dublin.

If you are in these areas, I encourage you to come join me for one of my presentations. We should have some good crowds and, as always, a ton of fun!

Athens – June 3, 2019 6PM: Syntagma Office

Free Registration for the Athens Event

London – June 6, 2019 6PM - 8PM: CMT Association

Free Registration For UK Chapter Meeting

Amsterdam – June 11, 2019 3:45PM - 6PM: CFA Society

Registration For CFA Society VBA Netherlands

Dublin – June 13, 2019 6PM - 8PM: Bloomberg

Free Registration

I hope to see you at one of these events. Ping me and let me know you're coming!



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