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All Star Interviews Season 2, Episode 9: Frank Cappelleri, Senior Sales Trader & Head Market Technician at Instinet

October 18, 2018

Frank Cappelleri is one of my favorite guys to listen to. He brings a unique perspective because of a lot of his experience on Wall Street. Early in his career he spent time working at Smith Barney with legends Alan Shaw and Louise Yamada. He then experienced his first bear market after March 2000 working with former Lehman trader John Schlitz. Frank has been at Instinet, which is owned by Nomura, for a long time and is constantly in touch with some of the smartest guys in the business. I think he's as good a technician as anyone and in this episode he shows us just that. We discuss the market implications of a rising US Dollar and why he no longer has a target above 3050 for the S&P500. I was really looking forward to this conversation and we're lucky we get to pick his brain for a bit. I hope you enjoy this one!


  • S&P500 Uptrend Channel –
  • S&P500 & Advance-Decline Line –
  • S&P500, SPX A/D Line, VEU & USD –
  • S&P500 & World Ex-US –
  • US Dollar & World Ex-US –
  • US Dollar Index Top or Bottom? –
  • US Dollar Index H&S Bottom? –
  • US Dollar Index (long-term) –
  • Financials $XLF –
  • Financials, XLF Relative & XLF vs 10yr Yields –
  • US 10-yr Yields –
  • US 10-yr Yields & Fed Funds Rate –
  • Utilities $XLU & US 10-yr Yields –
  • US 10-yr Yields, Utilities & Financials–
  • Utilities $XLU –
  • Junk vs US Treasury Bonds & 10-yr Yields –
  • Crude Oil & Junk Bonds –

S&P500 Uptrend Channel


Click image to enlarge


S&P500 & Advance-Decline Line


Click image to enlarge


S&P500, SPX A/D Line, VEU & USD


Click image to enlarge


S&P500 & World Ex-US


Click image to enlarge


US Dollar & World Ex-US


Click image to enlarge


US Dollar Index Top or Bottom?


Click image to enlarge


US Dollar Index H&S Bottom?


Click image to enlarge


US Dollar Index (long-term)

Line Chart

Click image to enlarge


Financials $XLF


Click image to enlarge


Financials, XLF Relative & XLF vs 10yr Yields


Click image to enlarge


US 10-yr Yields


Click image to enlarge


US 10-yr Yields & Fed Funds Rate


Click image to enlarge


Utilities $XLU & US 10-yr Yields


Click image to enlarge


US 10-yr Yields, Utilities & Financials


Click image to enlarge


Utilities $XLU


Click image to enlarge


Junk vs US Treasury Bonds & 10-yr Yields


Click image to enlarge


Crude Oil & Junk Bonds


Click image to enlarge


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