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Podcast Season 1 – Ep 20 – Louise Yamada, Managing Director of LY Technical Research Advisors

February 23, 2018

Louise Yamada has been an inspiration to me for my entire career. Bringing nearly 4 decades of experience as a technical analyst, Louise adds a unique perspective on markets that makes her the perfect compliment to some of the younger guests that we've had on the podcast. Louise, who for a number of years received Institutional Investor's top ranking, was a special guest on "Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street" and you can still find her regularly being featured on Bloomberg, CNBC and other financial media outlets. Today, Louise Yamada, CMT is the Managing Director of Louise Yamada Technical Research Advisors (LYA). In this conversation we talk about the long-term cycles of interest rates and precious metals going back almost 100 years. While we do dive into these longer time horizons, in this episode Louise also gives us her short-term take on U.S. Stocks, Gold, Bitcoin and even lays out her favorite strategy for the Bond Market right now. This is such a treat for us to have a legend share her time and be a guest on our show. She has been a huge influence on my work over many years, so I hope you enjoy this discussion as much as I did!

Learn more about Louise Yamada Technical Research Advisors

Dow/Gold Ratio


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US 10-year Yield


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U.S. 10-year Yield


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General Electric vs S&P500


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U.S. Dollar Trade Weighted Index


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