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Podcast Season 1 – Ep 17 – Chart Summit Review With Tom Bruni

February 1, 2018

On January 27th, 2018 the 2nd Annual Chart Summit was broadcasting LIVE from the Internet, bringing together an elite group of professional technicians who walked the audience through their process and showed us how to apply their methods in the current market environment. This impressive list of industry experts includes active traders, top Wall St. analysts, wealth managers, swing traders and long-term Investors who each brings a unique perspective on the market.

Hosted by the Founder of, JC Parets, Chart Summit was a FREE event and could be viewed online in the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world. The presentations are intended for investors of all kinds: retail investors with short or long-term time horizons, professional investment advisors, traders, fund managers, analysts, professors, and students. This event was the first of its kind and is still fully committed to providing both educational value and actionable market commentary. If you missed this year's event, you can still watch the videos of the presentations for FREE by clicking here.

In this episode, I'm joined by Tom Bruni, a long time friend of and former intern. He brings a unique perspective on markets as he is fresh out of college and finishing the process of earning his CPA, CFA and CMT designations. I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather have to discuss and review this year's Chart Summit, the presentations, charts and presenters. This is a special podcast episode dedicated to Chart Summit 2018.

  • S&P500 Above/Below 200 Day Mov Avg –
  • Number of New Semiconductors Closing Highs Per Year –
  • Number of New Bank Index Closing Highs Per Year –
  • S&P500 Forward 6 Month Returns vs Bull/Bear Ratio –
  • Japan 1998-2018, Price vs Operating Margins –
  • JP Morgan Chase $JPM & Analyst Buy Recommendations –
  • Brazil Bovespa Breaking Out Of 10-year Base –
  • Japan Nikkei Making New 25-year highs –
  • Financials vs Technology Ratio & US 10-year Yields –
  • DJIA and Avg Percent True Range - 21 Period –
  • Russell 2000 Elliott Wave Count –
  • Strong Returns After A Big Gain Are Perfectly Normal –
  • There Are Always Opportunities –

S&P500 Above/Below 200 Day Mov Avg

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


Number of New Semiconductors Closing Highs Per Year

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


Number of New Bank Index Closing Highs Per Year

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


S&P500 Forward 6 Month Returns vs Bull/Bear Ratio

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


Japan 1998-2018, Price vs Operating Margins

Arun Chopra

Click image to enlarge


JP Morgan Chase $JPM & Analyst Buy Recommendations

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


Brazil Bovespa Breaking Out of 10-year Base

Todd Sohn

Click image to enlarge


Japan Nikkei Making New 25-year highs

Arun Chopra

Click image to enlarge


Financials vs Technology Ratio & US 10-year Yields

Frank Cappelleri

Click image to enlarge


DJIA and Avg Percent True Range - 21 Period

Todd Gordon

Click image to enlarge


Russell 2000 Elliott Wave Count

Todd Gordon

Click image to enlarge


Strong Returns After A Big Gain Are Perfectly Normal

Ryan Detrick

Click image to enlarge


There Are Always Opportunities

Ryan Detrick

Click image to enlarge


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