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I'm In India - Come Join Me For Charts & Cocktails!

January 6, 2018

I finally made it to India! I've been working on coming out here for a long time, but you know, life gets in the way. I've made an effort in the past year to travel, particularly to Asia to learn more about the culture, the people and the financial markets. Since last February I've traveled to Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Taipei and Philippines. It's easy for me to give a presentation and talk about what I'm seeing in the market. I've done that pretty much every day for as long as I can remember. Where I win is in the conversations I have prior to my events, and more importantly afterwards over cocktails and delicious food.

To be honest, what inspired me to travel and learn from other markets was India. Long story, but India was the first place I wanted to go to and learn and talk about markets. But as it turned out, it took me longer to get here than I would have wanted. But hey, I'm here now and that's what matters.

So why am in India? Well, the easy answer is why wouldn't I be in India? Have you looked at these markets? They might have more sectors than the United States, but the similarities in Sector Rotation, momentum, relative strength and Fibonacci Analysis are off the charts when you compare the NIFTY500 to the S&P500. It really is amazing to see.

I've learned so much over the past year and have met so many amazing people that I feel it would be irresponsible of me not to continue my pursuit of knowledge and experience. Many of you have been following me and reading my work for many years. You've noticed the evolution. You've noticed the growth and maturity. I know that because I get the emails from you guys all the time telling me just that. I appreciate it more than you know.

So here I am, finally in India. On Tuesday January 9th, I will be meeting with local traders and investors right in central Delhi early in the evening. For details on time and location please contact us at and I will be sure to send you a formal invite.

Thursday January 11th, I will be giving a presentation at Bloomberg in Mumbai. The details for registration can be found here. I know Bloomberg will give priority to terminal users, so if it gets filled up, I encourage you to join me Friday January 12th at the 8th Annual India Investment Conference put on by the local CFA Society.

You guys have no idea how happy I am to be here. I have a lot of charts of Indian stocks to share with you and I will be making more announcements about the launch of Allstarcharts India in the coming days! Stay tuned....



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