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Podcast Season 1 – Ep 14 – JC O'hara, Chief Market Technician at FBN Securities

December 15, 2017

JC O'hara is the perfect compliment to all of the amazing guests that we've already on the podcast. Because his clients are primarily hedge funds and other buy side institutions, JC brings a unique perspective on market behavior, sentiment and investor psychology. As the Chief Market Technician at FBN Securities, JC gets to speak to some of the smartest investors in the market and we're lucky to have him sharing his insights and experiences with us in this episode. This week we talk about the current market environment for stocks using breadth indicators, Put/Call Ratios, Investor polls and valuation metrics. I really enjoyed this conversation with someone whose work I have a ton of respect for. I hope you get as much value from this as I did.

  • S&P500 Daily Range Starting To Expand –
  • Volume Surge in Inverse ETFs –
  • NAAIM Pare Back Exposure –
  • Rare Earth Metals $REMX –
  • Transportation Stocks  –
  • Relative Pick Up In the Smallest S&P500 Names –
  • Valuation - The One Negative For The Short Term –
  • Put/Call Ratio in FAANG –
  • S&P500 Advance - Decline & A/D Volume –

S&P500 Range Expansion


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Volume Surge in Inverse ETFs


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Active Managers Selling Into Strength


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Rare Earth Metals $REMX


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Transportation Stocks


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The Smallest Market Cap Names Outperform


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Valuation - The One Negative For The Short Term


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Put/Call Ratio in FAANG Stocks


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S&P500 Advance - Decline & A/D Volume


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