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Presentation Thursday 10/15 at the Las Vegas Traders Expo

October 12, 2015

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Come join me this week in beautiful Las Vegas for the International Traders Expo. I've been asked to speak at these events in the past, mostly in New York City, so I'm excited to present some of my favorite charts to a new audience. If you are in the Las Vegas area or in the West Coast, please join us this Thursday October 15th at 5:45PM to discuss how we analyze supply and demand and what kind of opportunities we're currently seeing out there across the global marketplace.



Thurs., Oct 15 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm

Using Technical Analysis To Find Trading Opportunities Across Asset Classes Around The World

Technical analysis is more than just looking for patterns on charts. In this workshop JC Parets will discuss how to incorporate sentiment analysis, seasonality, intermarket relationships and how to bring them all together to execute trades where the risk/reward opportunities are constantly in your favor.


I hope to see you guys there. If you live in Las Vegas or just in town for the expo, feel free to come and introduce yourself. I am always happy to meet with readers and followers from around the world. Reach out to me at and give me the heads up that you’ll be around.

Here are a few interviews that I did for the at last year’s New York City event. They’re short. One is on my process, another debunks technical analysis myths and the third one is on sentiment analysis:



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