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Radio: Winning On Wall Street - Stocks & Bonds

November 16, 2014

One of my favorite things about my job has to be watching sentiment shift from one extreme to another. It truly is fascinating no matter how many times I've seen it. Lately I've been picking on the Wall Street Economists because they've been leaning on the complete wrong side of the bond trade and still haven't started to shift. But we also see this out of the retail investing community, we often see it in the media, we see it from Advisors and newsletter writers. Extreme sentiment can come from almost anywhere. It's all over the place. But for the most part, sentiment studies don't really provide much value. It's only when consensus from a particular group is at an extreme that I start to pay attention.

This week I did a radio interview where we discuss the current interest rate sentiment as well as how it's been affecting the stock market and individual sectors. Here is the full clip:

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