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Is That A Bull Flag In Aussie-Yen?

July 27, 2012

Today's chart of the day is brought to us by Technician and Author Adam Grimes. I'm a newcomer to Grimes' blog but I've learned quickly that it is a must read for technicians. I suggest adding this one to your preferred feed.

This morning he brings up a great chart with some serious implications for risk assets. If Grimes is right and this indeed is a bullish pattern, look for stocks and commodities to follow higher. I would then expect further downside pressure in the US Dollar, Treasuries, and the $VIX. But keep an eye on this 77-79 area where Grimes suggests keeping a stop. Lower lows in this currency cross would nullify the bullish implications and would force us to get much more defensive in general.

"This is potentially a very bullish pattern on the AUDJPY, targeting a move into the high 87′s over the next several weeks. Trades should be entered on strength above the trendline (roughly 82.00 in today’s trading) against a stop somewhere in the 77.00-79.00 area. (Remember, a closer stop is more aggressive.) Initial profits could be taken at a point equal to one times the initial risk on the trade, with further reductions as the trade plays out."

Keep up the good work Adam! Love the blog.



Chart of the Day: Bullish Pattern in the AUDJPY (AdamGrimes)


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