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What Risk-Off Looks Like From An Intermarket Perspective

May 25, 2012

One of my favorite things about John Murphy's crew is how well they collect data from a variety of asset classes to help tell a story. Arthur Hill's depiction of the Intermarket world this morning is perfect example of the level of talent at

Today we're looking at a 6-Month Performance Chart of 30-Year Bonds, US Dollar, Stocks, Gold and Crude Oil. We've seen a clear flight to safety with Bonds and the Dollar sitting at 6-month highs. Meanwhile, Gold and Crude Oil are doing the exact opposite down near 6-month lows. Notice that stocks are stuck somewhere in the middle trying to find their way:

I'll be watching how Crude Oil and Gold react to these low levels, while the Dollar and Treasury Bonds hang out in the nosebleed section. A reversal of fortunes here should certainly take stocks higher, along with Gold and Crude Oil. But if buying pressure continues into the dollar and bonds, then I would expect the Stock Market to struggle.

I think it's important to learn from the success and misfortunes of other asset classes. Wouldn't we be selling ourselves short if we chose to ignore this stuff?



Dollar and Treasuries Lead as Gold and Oil Lag (StockCharts)


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