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Wide World of Charts

March 3, 2012

Classic Bubble Pattern 

Bullish Sentiment Edges Higher (Pragmatic Capitalism)

Jordan Kotick looks at Emerging Markets and US Internals (CNBC)

Nasdaq Forms Huge Double Bottom on P&F Chart (StockCharts)

Sam Stovall: S&P500 as High as 1500 in next 1-3 Months (

$GLD, $GLD/$SPY Technical Update After Bernanke Sell-off (Distressed Volatility)

Biotech Leadership and Sideways Correction (chessNwine)

Chart: Housing Bubble Burst Before Energy Prices Peaked (TPM)

Bonds Breaking Support...What Message Does that Send to Stock Market? (Chris Kimble)

Why Woody Hayes Would've Been a Great Trader (Darvas Trader)

CoreLogic: 11.1 Million U.S. Properties with Negative Equity in Q4 (Calculated Risk)

Commodities: Bull Market Corrections or the Start of Bear Markets (PeterLBrandt)

"Real" Disposable Income Per Capita: Basically, No Growth for 20 Months (dshort)

Flows into Equity Mutual Funds Go Positive (TRB)

Sports Chart of the Day: NBA Franchise Valuations (Business Insider) 

Chart - Classic Bubble Pattern via (



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