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Audio: Interview With Ralph Acampora

January 28, 2012

This is great stuff guys.

Legendary Technician Ralph Acampora sits down with Jim Puplava for a nice bullish interview about the Blue Chips. Ralph still sees strength in the components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Loves that $IBM and $MCD are making all-time new highs. Names like $INTC and $MSFT are coming out of bottoms and he thinks they'll be playing a game of catch-up soon.

He says, "Charts are worth a million words" and "I am very very positive on Papa Dow".

Click here - the interview gets going about 2/5 of the way through:

Also See:

Ralph Acampora Interview with Maria Bartiromo August 13, 2011



Ralph Acampora: Stocks Headed for Higher Ground (Financial Sense)

Tags: $DJIA $PFE

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